Some issues were encountered during the third lab session with regards to the transmitter circuit design. Both MOSFETs used in this circuit became too hot as a result of a larger than required amount of current running through them. This meant that a drain resistor needed to be added in series to deliver a lower operating current. The existence of such a high current value meant that even a low input voltage caused both MOSFETs to overheat (around 4 or 5 volts made the components start to burn).
While the introduction of said resistors (0.66kΩ) reduced the amount of current flowing from the drain of the MOSFET, although this was not able to reduce the amount of heat dissipated in both transistors. In order to solve this problem, a “heat sink” was used instead to ensure both MOSFETs were able to operate without overheating.
Due to the fact that the necessary results were not obtained from the transmitter circuit, it was important to consider other potential designs that were able to produce the required frequency oscillation. The group made the decision to perform more research to find an alternative design to the one currently being used. It was clear at this stage that the current design would not provide the necessary energy transfer required.